A very long time supporter of free speech, Durov has denied all fees and claims that holding Telegram accountable for its customers’ actions is ridiculous. Durov was additional charged with not cooperating with authorities after his declare. In a present of help after his arrest Telegram downloads soared by the roof and it briefly secured second place within the U.S. App Retailer underneath the social apps class.
After Durov’s arrest nonetheless, Telegram has been altering its stance on sure insurance policies. For starters Telegram will now provide user data to authorities together with IP addresses and telephone numbers. The platform has additionally been experimenting with subscriptions and promoting which is a serious motive for its profitability this yr.
Picture credit score — PhoneArena
There are numerous Telegram channels which share pirated media, pictures and movies of battlefields, avenues for unethical actions and far worse content material. Nonetheless, as somebody who has used Telegram extensively again within the day, I additionally discover it a bit odd to carry the aforementioned actions in opposition to the platform itself.
Discord, for instance, additionally has some really terrible servers. And who is aware of what goes on in end-to-end encrypted WhatsApp chats? Telegram appears to have garnered a a lot worse public notion as a result of it initially gained reputation because the platform you went to once you didn’t need to be traced.
Nonetheless, it seems that taking part in good with the authorities has helped Telegram safe a revenue. It’s too early to inform if Telegram’s relaxed privateness insurance policies will flip off a portion of its consumer base. But when the app is popping a revenue for the primary time in its life I doubt the admins would care a lot both approach.